The Simplicity You Want

Twigs brings a fresh approach to computer use. Your information – named and organized in ways that are meaningful and useful to you – becomes your focal point. It couldn't be easier.
You’re able to accomplish more of your tasks with fewer steps, keystrokes and mouse clicks than with any other way. Simple. Supportive. Efficient.
Twigs provides you with all of the tools you could ever need to organize your information. Included among its most useful features: Lists which can be prioritized, Notes, TwigBoard (the ultimate clipboard), multiple Journals, and much more. Get Twigs now!
The Features You Need

Twigs is intuitive software built to gather and hold all the clippings, articles, ideas, quotations, drafts, memories and trivia that you might ever want to collect. For today. For tomorrow. Forever.
Twigs literally has the capacity to manage a lifetime of notes, clippings, articles and more -- anything you care to keep on hand -- all maintained by a world class database engine. And together they form a searchable resource – your Personal Knowledge Base – which you can draw from whenever you need to view, print, email or pass your information on to other applications.
NEW -- Twigs Artist Edition

Twigs Artist Edition takes all of the great information management tools in our Twigs Standard Edition and expands on them with a focus specifically on the needs of artists. It includes all of the features in the standard package, but also a number of useful features such as a Portfolio Manager, Artists Journals, Shopping Lists customized for artists, and other Artist Resources.Get Twigs Artist Edition now!
Start Building Your Own Personal Knowledge Base:
Get Twigs Now!